When Hospice Helps
It is a common thought that hospice helps only in the last few days of life. We can bring comforting care and support to patients and families much earlier.
When an illness and daily activities become more challenging for you or your loved one, it may be a good time to talk with your doctor and us about hospice and palliative care. Most people we have served say they wish they had called us sooner. We are here to answer your questions and help with your needs any time.
If you think it may be time for hospice, call us at (813) 651-7300. We can help you find the care and assistance you need to improve your comfort and well-being.
Signs You May Need Care
- Live with a serious or an advanced illness
- Have had two or more hospitalizations in the past three months
- Take nine or more scheduled medications daily
- Have increasing pain and medications are not as effective in controlling pain and symptoms
- Have treatments that no longer work
- Feel tired or shortness of breath
- Have decreased appetite
- Have difficulty walking, putting on clothes or using the bathroom
- Are uncertain about treatment options and decisions
Ask Your Physician
- How do you expect my condition to change in the next year?
- What symptoms might I experience?
- Will I be able to go about my daily routine and care for myself?
Will the treatments I am doing or may pursue:
- Cure or slow down my illness or instead focus on managing my symptoms and quality of life?
- Increase or decrease my pain?
- Make me feel sick?
Benefits of Care
- Gives you control over your health care decisions
- Additional expert care and support for you and your family
- Enhanced understanding, comfort, wellness, dignity and peace of mind
- Avoid unnecessary hospitalizations and multiple physician visits