Empath Health Blog, Jim Andrews

Director of Spiritual Care Jim Andrews

In case you were checked out from social media yesterday, it was not only the first day of Spring; it was also the International Day of Happiness 2016. Hundreds of thousands of people from all around the world joined together in their shared commitment to create a happier world. If you go to the web browser of your choice and type in “International Day of Happiness” it will take you to a colorful website where you can download a personal guidebook full of ideas about ways that you can “create a happier life for you and those around you.”

I can’t think of a better way to welcome Spring, the season of new life and new beginnings, than to join with all of these people in taking the “Action for Happiness” pledge. The pledge simply states, “I will try to create more happiness in the world around me.” It’s so easy to get bogged down from day to day with everything that isn’t working. To focus on what is wrong with the world and with ourselves and our lives.

It takes effort and focus and commitment to cultivate a more positive perspective. To recognize and celebrate what is working and what is  right with ourselves and the world around us. If we incorporate this pledge into our own deepest sense of meaning and purpose, what a difference we could make in our own lives and in the lives of our families, our friends, our colleagues, and those we serve. May it be so!


Have a great week, everyone!
