by Candyl Eyster | Oct 19, 2015 | Sin categorizar
We are all so busy. When I talk to friends and colleagues and ask them how they are doing, it’s amazing how often the response is, “Crazy busy!” Everyone seems to have more on their “To Do” list than can reasonably be accomplished in the day. So the tendency is to...
by Candyl Eyster | Oct 12, 2015 | Spiritual Care, monday message, inspiration, Sin categorizar
Have you ever read the Dr. Seuss story about the Sneetches? It chronicles the tale of a group of yellow creatures some of whom have green stars on their bellies and some of whom do not. The story unfolds as a slick salesperson named Sylvester McMonkey McBean begins...
by Candyl Eyster | Oct 5, 2015 | Spiritual Care, inspiration, Sin categorizar
Come quickly – As soon as these blossoms open They fall. This world exists As a sheen of dew On flowers. Izumi Shikibu The words of this Japanese poet, penned hundreds of years ago, encourage us to recognize the ephemeral and transitory nature of this life. ...
by Candyl Eyster | Sep 21, 2015 | Sin categorizar, Spiritual Care, inspiration, Health & Wellness
Business Insider periodically posts an article titled, “The 10 most important things in the world right now.” The news items which make the list involve things like global economic trends, the refugee crisis in Syria, landmark scientific discoveries and other...
by Candyl Eyster | Sep 14, 2015 | Spiritual Care, inspiration, Sin categorizar
There are people among us whose steadfast devotion changes lives and influences the course of events. People who refuse to be disillusioned or discouraged, who never lose sight of the ideal towards which they are striving. They are indefatigable, somehow maintaining...
by Candyl Eyster | Sep 7, 2015 | Sin categorizar, Spiritual Care, inspiration
What is it that keeps you up at night? All of us wrestle with this fierce opponent at points in our lives. Fear can immobilize us. It can cower us into choosing the safe path instead of the one our courage is calling us to. It can fool us into thinking that we are...