by Candyl Eyster | Nov 2, 2015 | Spiritual Care, inspiration
A documentary film was created the purpose of which was to explore what made people happy. The title of the film was, as you might expect, “Happy.” The findings in the film go against many of the messages we hear in popular culture which clamor incessantly that...
by Candyl Eyster | Oct 26, 2015 | Spiritual Care, inspiration
I suppose there is a place, in the scheme of things, for grand gestures. There are times, every now and then, when a crisis presents itself and circumstances require a brave soul to stand in the gap and deliver under pressure. What is far more noteworthy, however,...
by Candyl Eyster | Oct 12, 2015 | Spiritual Care, monday message, inspiration, Sin categorizar
Have you ever read the Dr. Seuss story about the Sneetches? It chronicles the tale of a group of yellow creatures some of whom have green stars on their bellies and some of whom do not. The story unfolds as a slick salesperson named Sylvester McMonkey McBean begins...
by Candyl Eyster | Oct 5, 2015 | Spiritual Care, inspiration, Sin categorizar
Come quickly – As soon as these blossoms open They fall. This world exists As a sheen of dew On flowers. Izumi Shikibu The words of this Japanese poet, penned hundreds of years ago, encourage us to recognize the ephemeral and transitory nature of this life. ...
by Candyl Eyster | Sep 28, 2015 | Spiritual Care, monday message, inspiration
Have you ever had someone listen to you? Really listen, so that they hear all of the meaning within and behind your words and see clearly your perspective and feel what you are feeling? What a gift this is, made so precious because it is, sadly, so rare. How simple...
by Candyl Eyster | Sep 21, 2015 | Sin categorizar, Spiritual Care, inspiration, Health & Wellness
Business Insider periodically posts an article titled, “The 10 most important things in the world right now.” The news items which make the list involve things like global economic trends, the refugee crisis in Syria, landmark scientific discoveries and other...